Consulting Offerings

Be More Strategic…Strategic Consulting

  • Create or Revise your Organizational Strategy

  • Strategically Plan for a Project or Service

  • Create your Case for Support

  • Develop your Message to convey your Impact and Value of Services

Access More Funding…Individual, Corporate & Foundation Support

  • Prioritize your Funding Needs

  • Identify High-Impact Donors

  • Submit High-Quality Grant Applications to secure New Sources of Funding

Become More Sustainable…Funding Strategy & Income Generation

  • Assess your current Fundraising Performance

  • Market your Services and Expertise to the Community

  • Attract a New Audience

Design, Refresh, Renew…Your Image

  • Design Services

  • Website Analysis and Update

  • Marketing Materials

“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.”

— Maya Angelou